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JARGON BUSTER - The A to Z of Print Terminology
Making sense of baffling printing terms.
You know everything there is to know about your business. Yet, when it comes to dealing with print suppliers you're probably not clued up on the intricate details. Like every other industry, the Printing industry has its very own language and terminology.
To help keep things simple, we have created a Jargon Buster Guide where you can familiarize yourself with typical print terms and what they actually mean.
Laid Finish-
A parallel lined paper that has a handmade look
A dummy that shows the placement of all the elements
Space between the lines of type
Printing that utilizes ink raised surfaces to create the image. The imprint is made by pressure.
Line Copy
Any copy that can be reproduced with out the use of halftone screens
A paper that copies the look and texture of linen cloth
The process of printing the utilizes flat inked surfaces to create the printed images