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JARGON BUSTER - The A to Z of Print Terminology
Making sense of baffling printing terms.
You know everything there is to know about your business. Yet, when it comes to dealing with print suppliers you're probably not clued up on the intricate details. Like every other industry, the Printing industry has its very own language and terminology.
To help keep things simple, we have created a Jargon Buster Guide where you can familiarize yourself with typical print terms and what they actually mean.
Abrasion Resistance
The resistance to scratching or scuffing of a surface of paper
Accordion Fold
A type of paper folding in which each fold of a brochure runs in the opposite direction to the previous fold of the brochure creating an accordion affect
A clear or translucent plastic sheet material of a variety of colors used as an overlay usually
Additive Colors
In photographic reproduction the primary colors of red, green, and blue which are mixed to form all other colors. Also known as RGB
This refers to a process whereby air is blown onto paper sheets to separate the sheets
Type size of 5 ½ points
A compressed air tool that dispenses a fine mist of ink; used in illustration and photo retouching software to create effects
Was used in laying film and stripping. Red-orange acetate used for masking mechanicals when photographing for plates. The Amberlith area appears black to the camera, and prints clear on the resulting film. Not used much anymore
Anodized Plate
In lithography, a plate manufactured with a barrier of aluminum oxide, which prevents chemical reactions that break down the plate; it provides optimum press performance and can carry very small dot %'s
Antique Finish
Paper with a rough surface
Antiskinning Agent
An antioxidant agent used to prevent inks from skinning over in the can or on press
Aqueous Coating
Water soluble coating that protects ink and enables quick handling of piece. Comes in gloss, satin, and dull-Usually done in-line
Aqueous Plate
Water soluble plate coatings, which are less toxic and less polluting which enables quick handling of paper and high level of gloss
Art Work
Any materials or images which are prepared for graphic reproduction and can be produced manually or by software
Art-Lined Envelope
An envelope that is lined with fine paper; can be colored patterned or foiled
All illustrated material, photo and charts etc., that is prepare for reproduction which can be produced manually or by software
Author or Customer Alterations (AA, CA's)
Changes made after the proof stage where a customer is responsible for additional charges