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JARGON BUSTER - The A to Z of Print Terminology
Making sense of baffling printing terms.
You know everything there is to know about your business. Yet, when it comes to dealing with print suppliers you're probably not clued up on the intricate details. Like every other industry, the Printing industry has its very own language and terminology.
To help keep things simple, we have created a Jargon Buster Guide where you can familiarize yourself with typical print terms and what they actually mean.
Hairline Register
Very tight register which is the thinnest of the standard printers' rules
Tone graduated image composed of varying sized dots or lines to make a image or picture
Halftone Screen
Ruled right-angled lines, used to translate the full tone of a photo to the halftone dot image required for printing
Head Margin
The margin between the top of the printed copy and the trimmed edge
Imperfections in presswork due to dirt on press, in ink or in paper
High Bulk Paper
Stock that is thicker than normal in relation to its basis weight
The lightest tones of a photo, printed halftone or illustration
Hot Melt
An adhesive used in the binding process
House Sheet
This is a term that refers to a paper that a printer keeps on hand in his shop