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JARGON BUSTER - The A to Z of Print Terminology
Making sense of baffling printing terms.
You know everything there is to know about your business. Yet, when it comes to dealing with print suppliers you're probably not clued up on the intricate details. Like every other industry, the Printing industry has its very own language and terminology.
To help keep things simple, we have created a Jargon Buster Guide where you can familiarize yourself with typical print terms and what they actually mean.
Graphics software
The measurement of thickness of paper expressed in thousandths of an inch or mils.
Camera Ready
A term given to any copy, artwork etc., that is prepared for photographic reproduction. Can be manually created or created on computer.
Caps & Lowercase
Instructions in the typesetting process, that indicate the use of a capital letter and the rest of the letters in lower case.
Caps & Small Caps
Two sizes of capital letters made in one size of type.
The thick cover of a hardbound book.
Case Binding
Books bound using hard board (case) covers.
Casing In
the process of placing in and adhering a book to its case covers.
Cast Coated
A paper that is coated with clay and then pressure dried using a polished roller which gives an enamel like hard extra high gloss finish.
Print on paper where the absorption is so great that it breaks up ink image creating loose pigment dust.
Chancery Italic
The roots of italic design
Frame of steel, or cast or wrought iron, in which images are locked up for printing and is used in letterpress or cylinder presses
Combination Stamp
Process where embossing and foil stamping are done at the same time
Process of cutting paper with guillotine cutter
Cyan (C)
One of the ink colors (blue) that is used as a process color (CMYK)